Friday, February 27, 2009

Hey everyone, this is Brant and Brantley. Man it took a long time to get here, but I'm glad I came. God's provision for us in the U.S. is soooooooooooo taken for granted. It's taken for granted by me a lot, and I really didn't realize it. It will definitely make you think about things. I am so thankful for the things God has done in my life and is doing right now. Haiti is so much different than home, people have to get up each morning and do what they can to get their next bite to eat. There is so much trash all around, it is very dirty. People don't have good shoes or clothes, and it really makes you sad to see them. God is definitely working here in Posse ba daum. They are teaching the people first of all about Jesus, then how to grow things, how to make things and how to be clean. Wells are being drilled, and hand pumps are always something to be fixed which we've been helping with the last two days. I've welded some gates up for a man that lives down the road, and I finished them today. Nathan and I ran some new plumbing in our house, things were leaking pretty bad. Things are fixed now, so new things are in order for tomorrow. God is awesome, and is working so much through water for life, I'm so blessed to be a part of it. I think the only thing I don't like is that it is hard to talk to the Haitians because of the language barrier but in just two days, I have been able to build a couple of small relationships with the people, hopefully they will continue to grow. I thank God for all of your prayers, they are really being heard. Keep on doing it. Bye


  1. Brantley, it terrific to see the Lord is using you blessing you through this trip! Hey, would you mind telling your "brother from another mother" that his mother sends her love! *smirk* Seriously, though, keep up the good work!!
    Mrs. Brenda

  2. Been praying for you, bud. So wonderful to hear what God is doing for and through you in Haiti! I will continue praying for you and the rest of the team! Keep us posted on the work God is doing!

  3. Hay B--I've been with your Mom & Dad for the past two nights at New Harmony. Had a wonderful time. Great to hear what you've been doing there. We're praying for you and the team. Keep working on that language barrier issue!!! Who knows, your next miracle might be speaking in tongues!!!! Love ya.

  4. Hey Brant!!.....Hope things are going well. Scott and I are so excited about what the Lord is doing through you guys. Know that we're praying for God to constantly bless you all with the recognition of His glory and use you to bless others, as well. The reflection of Christ is increasingly evident in your life...continue to allow the Spirit to be reflected to others through you (both in your words and actions)...even during difficult times. We love you and can't wait to hear all the details...we are posting on Mags account (she is leaving now for New York and says to say hi)...Scott and Leslie. PS-Even when our language fails...our prayers do not. (don't get discouraged by the language barrier).

  5. What up Brant! (this is Scott) Sounds like you guys are doing some awesome things down there. If you happen to see a concrete water tower let me know if it is still standing...We're praying for ya man. peace
